API Piping Plans

本部分阐述的 API 计划由 API 682 第 3 版和 API 610 第 10 版定义。这些是业内广泛采用的标准冲洗管道布置。客户可根据需要采用不同的计划。 欲了解更多详情,请联系 AESSEAL 系统部。 电话:+44 (0)28 9266 9966 邮箱:systems@aesseal.com

Product recirculation from discharge through flow control orifice and heat exchanger to seal chamber.

Product recirculation from pump discharge through a Y strainer, a flow control orifice and a heat exchanger to seal chamber.

Product recirculation from seal chamber to heat exchanger and back to seal chamber.

Product recirculation from discharge through a cyclone separator, which directs clean fluid to the seal and solids back to pump suction.

Injection of clean or cool liquid from external source into the seal chamber.

Product recirculation from discharge through a cyclone separator and a heat exchanger to seal chamber.

External reservoir providing a dead-ended blanket for fluid to the quench connection of the gland.
